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What's New in RBBS Version 15.1A?
RBBS-PC CPC15-1A will be the 28th release of RBBS-PC CPCxx since it was first
published in July of 1983. RBBS-PC's policy of freely distributing the source
code and continually expanding it's range of capabilities throughout these
last four years represents not only the very best that is embodied in the
concept of "users helping users" but an expectation of excellence that NO
product in the PC industry has ever even approached. Here is a brief summary
of the major enhancements in RBBS-PC CPC15-1A:
o SPEED! RBBS-PC runs significantly faster.
o STRUCTURE! Code has been made easier for users to modify. There
is more room in the main code segment and RBBS-PC more efficiently
uses string space.
o MINIMUM SYSOP MAINTENANCE REQUIRED! There is a new, but optional, FILE
MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (FMS) that can be set up so that the SYSOP no longer
need maintain his file system "directories." User's can be allowed to
automatically categorize the files they upload. The new entry will be
written to the file management system and, optionally, strewn to a second
file that a SYSOP might wish to edit and insert an evaluation or comments
about the uploaded files. The speed of file searches has been increased
from 10 to 100-fold. A caller can download in the midst of listing files,
and the listing will resume where it left off after downloading is
o ADDITIONAL FILE TRANSFER PROTOCOLS! More error checking protocols for
file exchange. Now support exists for YMODEM, WINDOWED XMODEM, YMODEMG,
and IMODEM in addition to KERMIT, XMODEM (checksum) and XMODEM (CRC).
o LAN ELECTRONIC MAIL! RBBS-PC can be run as a "workstation" appearing on
the local PC's screen exactly as it would to a user who had dialed in as
remote user. In "workstation" mode, RBBS-PC can be run on a PC without
either a modem or a RS-232 interface. It can serve as an electronic mail
system on a local area network in "workstation" mode (up to 36 stations)
or as a teaching tool in a classroom environment to demonstrate RBBS-PC's
full range of features.
o ALL COMMANDS CONFIGURABLE! The symbols used for the RBBS-PC commands are
configurable. Any command can be disabled. Users see only what commands
they have sufficient security to execute. A SYSOP can even configure
RBBS-PC so that any command can be executed from any sub-section. All of
this is, as always, optional. RBBS-PC tries to strive to let each SYSOP
have total autonomy (rather attempt to restrict).
o MULTIPLE QUESTIONAIRES! The new command A)nswer command allows multiple
optional questionaires to be set up that users can selectively answer. A
SYSOP can put up a questionaire at anytime that all users (both new and
old) must answer. A new command has been added to the questionair script
language that allows the SYSOP to elect to have nothing written to the
script's data file.
o USERS CAN VIEW ARC FILES! User's can obtain a verbose listings of the
the contents of an ARCed file prior to downloading it.
o TOTAL USER CONTROL OF PREFERENCES! A user can now T)oggle on or off any
of his preferences.
o UNIQUE USER ID'S! With RBBS-PC CPC15-1A, any field (not just the user's
name) can be used to uniquely identify users. More than one user can
have the same ID (everyone in a the same SIG) and still have unique
names. A new field for whatever the SYSOP wants to use to identify users
now exists within the USER's record. Users can be added with no pre-
assigned password (i.e the first caller who uses the name is allowed to
set the password). RBBS-PC can be set up so that valid accounts are pre-
loaded and users can be given INSTANTANEOUS access at the discretion of
the SYSOP, e.g. when the users becomes a member of a user group or SIG.
o MULTIPLE UPLOADS! Just as earlier versions of RBBS-PC allowed for
multiple downloads, CPC15-1A now allows multiple file names to be
specified on a single command line when uploading.
for limiting callers based on a subscription date. A subscription period
can be specified for every security level, and the security a caller gets
when his subscription expires is specifiable. This allows automatic
support for SYSOP's who request users to purchase subscription to their
boards or for time-limited privileges. Stored in each caller's record is
the date the subscription began.
o COMMAND-LEVEL HELP! Help files can now be specified not just by section,
but by individual command, as well as a menu of SYSOP-specified special
topics, such as ARC files.
o MUSIC! The SYSOP can elect to have the PC running RBBS-PC to play a
musical refrain each time a user selects specific functions (i.e. "Walk
right in" when a new user logs on; "Dragnet" when a security violation
occurs; "Goodbye Charlie" when a user logs off; "Taps" when a user is
denied access; "OOM PAH PAH" when a user downloads; "Thanks for the
Memories" when a user uploads). The auditory feedback enables SYSOPS to
focus on other activities without having to watch the local screen. More
importantly, this type of auditory feed-back is intended to aid SYSOP's
who are visually impaired.
o CONSTRAINTS OF EARLIER VERSIONS LIFTED! Many of the constraints that
existed in versions of RBBS-PC prior to 15-1A have been lifted. some of
them are:
The upload directory need not be present on the same
drive/subdirectory that uploaded files are written to.
When the users file is full, new users need no longer be kicked off
the system. Instead, they can be let on but not remembered, i.e.
not be written to the user's file. On subsequent calls, they will
remain new users and must re-register.
RBBS-PC can be logged on to from the keyboard of the PC on which it
is running (without calling through a modem) and will respond to
the PC's screen in the same manner as a remote user would see it.
First and last names can have interior blanks. Initial blanks are
still not allowed, and trailing blanks are still ignored.
The file description for uploads can be up to 46 characters long.
The speed with which text files, such as menus, are displayed, can
be increased by enlarging the buffer size used within 15-1A for
displaying ASCII files via a parameter in CONFIG.
Viewing the upload directory (or the uploads with the default
category code) is controlled by the user's security level. Before,
if you made the upload drive not available for downloading, only
the SYSOP could view the upload directory.
o BETTER ERROR TRAPPING! RBBS-PC CPC15-1A now detects and reports any
problem when writing during an upload.; recovers from any problem when
trying to kill a file already present before an upload; and traps all bad
paths in a file name.
o BETTER PROMPTS/MESSAGES! Much effort has been expended to insure that
where possible prompts were clarified, messages made more meaningful, and
defaults consistently shown. Some examples of this are:
The "G>raphics" command was clarified. The prompt makes it clear
that ASCII and color options are for IBM computers and the "help"
file for the command is automatically displayed when the user is in
"novice" mode.
"Chat" mode now has a beginning opening and closing message.
The prompt for a "P>assword" now clearly states that pressing enter
The "N>ulls" command now explains that it is for printing
"Press [ENTER] to quit" is used more uniformly.
Defaults with prompts are more uniformly indicated by putting []
around the default.
The List command no longer requires that a directory be specified
in advance. The list command used alone will prompt for a
directory and default to the directory of directories.
The editing command in messages is much easier to use. It no
longer requires the user to specify new and old string together but
breaks up the edit into a search for what and replace by what. The
syntax from earlier versions of RBBS-PC is still supported in
keeping with RBBS-PC's long-standing policy of being upward
The prompt when changing page length has been clarified to indicate
that the number of lines can have any value between 0 and 255.
U>pload and D>ownload commands immediately respond with message
"Searching for file...". In some configurations with large
(and/or) slow disks a user might see a signficant delay with no
indication what was going on with this new response.
If 1000 or more files are searched in a directory without filling
the screen with "hits", the caller is asked whether he wants to
continue the search.
Requests for Non-stop in file searches in the L)ist and S)ubstring
commands require confirmation if at least a 1000 more files remain
to be searched.
File searching supports true paging. No longer will the menu or
multiple searches scroll away previous results. The pause properly
pauses at the bottom.
Callers are now informed explicitly whenever an upload or download
was successful. Some novices mistakenly thought that errors during
tranmission mean they had to re-do the transmission.
o ENHANCED SECURITY! Paths are now supported in the file security system.
Kermit up/down loads no longer list drive/path where then file is
located. More secure limitation of DOORS and QUESTIONNAIRES exist since
RBBS-PC will no longer accept proper substrings of legitimate items.
o NEW DEBUG MODE! Special debug mode has been added to allow all errors,
including those that are handled within RBBS-PC, to be seen as they
o AUTO-NOTIFICATION! The SYSOP can elect to notify users immediately upon
loging on of the number of new bulletins and new files available for
downloading since the user last logged on.
o TURBO-DOWNLOADING! A SYSOP can allow users to review the files that are
new since the user last logged on and download them immediately (without
requiring the user to see any messages).
o INVALID DIRECTORIES ELIMINATED! All directories to be searched are put
in one specific drive/subdirectory in order to speed up directory
searches and simplify maintenance. This eliminates the possibility that
data files with the same extension of true directories being considered
RBBS-PC directories.
o PROMPTS WIPED OFF SCREEN! "MORE" prompts are wiped away after a response,
except when files to download are specified. Very useful when more
interupts continuous text, as in menu or message.
o RING-NO-ANSWER MINIMIZED! As soon as carrier is lost or the SYSOP takes
RBBS-PC off line via function key F1 to use the PC for other things, the
phone is taken off the hook so callers will receive a busy signal (and
not be charged for the call by the phone company).
o AUTODOWNLOAD ENHANCED! The SYSOP can select to turn off the automatic
test of every user for autodownloading. The escape sequence test for
autodownloading caused problems with some communications packages and
terminals. User's now can toggle autodownloading on and off during a
session and their preference will be permanently remembered.
o MISCELLANEOUS BUGS FIXED! While numerous bugs in 141D have been
corrected, the ones that come to mind are:
A TAB in messages is not allowed.
A caller will not be kicked off with a sleep disconnect after
chatting with the SYSOP for more than the maximum time a caller can
be idle.
Very long messages no longer cause RBBS-PC to hang in the middle of
entering them.
Uploaded files do not have a control-Z appended to them (which
formerly resulted in spurious CRC errors on ARC files).
The SYSOP can configure RBBS-PC for more bulletins than exist.
File sizes are now properly recorded for all uploads.
Failed uploads with 0 bytes are now recognized as bad uploads.
KERMIT file transfers can now occur with file names (drive, path,
filename) up to the full maximum of 63 charaters.
====================END OF WHAT'S NEW IN RBBSPC CPC151A================